General information
- Hysterectomy terms and abbreviations
- How do they do that?
- For the guys and the women who live with them: hysterectomies, sexuality and old wives' tales
- Time has passed; has anything changed?
Pre-op concerns and decisions
- Questions for your pre-op appointment
- Preop concerns
- Pre-op decisions: Keep my cervix or not?
- Pre-op decisions: Keeping your cervix, revisited
- Pre-op: Packing list
- Is a hysterectomy like a C-section?
- Bladder suspension
- Pre-op decision: Surgical route
- Pre-op: Fear
- Pre-op: What if I am getting sick right before surgery?
- Pre-op: Planning for medications we'll be receiving
- Hysterectomy or cancer: Are you sure?
- Pre-op: Revisiting the question of keeping healthy ovaries
- Pre-op: The hospital pre-op appointment
- Psychological Aspects of Pelvic Surgery
Post-op concerns
- Healing
- Post-op: Home alone
- Ovarian failure following hysterectomy
- Post-op: Should I call my doctor?
- Post-op: Walking and the prevention of surgical complications
- Post-op: Bladder matters
- Post-op: Pain
- Post-op: Sleep
- Bowel activity: gas and constipation
- Will I be in menopause?
- FDA warning on naproxen; update
- Operative uncertainties: Why did I come out of the OR with a different diagnosis?
- Post-op: Getting back into shape